by Juicing For Fitness
Statement of Work
Date Wednesday, November 21, 2018
Client Juicing For Fitness Company
Job Name
Requested by Jill Wilson, Owner of Juicing For Fitness Company
From Trey Koehler, Web Designer


This project involves the design and development of a web site for use by Juicing for Fitness Company. This project will follow the timeline outlined below and does not include ongoing maintenance of the site outside of what may be stated in the scope.

Our Client

Our client is Juicing for Fitness and they are located in Vancouver, Washington. The client requests that that we build an online website presence in the Juicing For Fitness niche. This entails the following project scope:

Host and Domain Setup: We will set up web-hosting for the requested domain Maintenance responsibilities of the website will go to Jill Wilson of Juicing For Fitness Company at the conclusion of the project.

WordPress Installation and Setup: We will install and set up WordPress on the domain mentioned above so that our client, Juicing For Fitness is able to maintain the site.

Theme Design and Development: Our client will provide us with their chosen WordPress theme, Soledad, including the licensing costs. As the web designer, I am given free rein to modifying the theme and appearance of our client’s website. Once development has started, only several minor changes as requested by our client can be made without affecting the overall scope of the project.

Content Entry: We will add in the private label rights content provided to us by Juicing For Fitness, Company. This will include all text and pictures (Adobe Stock and copyright free images) for each page to be created for this project.

Browser Testing: We will test the site to ensure it works with modern desktop web browsers and mobile devices.

: Upon final payment, we will send the deliverables which include:
WordPress account and login access information.
Website fully deployed on requested domain.
A backup copy of the files associated with the site.

The Website Project

Our client Juicing For Fitness, Company requests we build seven pages which includes: Home, About, Blog, Contact, eBook, Policies, and Shop. They request a minimum of 1-2 or more images per page. They would like a slider on the Home page, a contact form using MailChimp, a photo gallery of eBook cover images, and an eCommerce shop utilizing WooZone and Amazon relating to their niche. They would also like a minimum of three articles on the blog, with 1 to 2 photos per article. Our client is to provide us with the content and theme, along with the license. The timeline, below, outlines the phases of the project.


Task Finish Date
Sign Contract November 21, 2018
Finalize Design and Layout November 25, 2018
Client Provides All Content November 25, 2018
Finalize Testing December 9, 2018
Deploy to Staging Site for Client December 9, 2018
Deploy to Client Domain December 12, 2018
Client Sign Off and Receipt of Deliverables December 12, 2018

Payment Details

The total budget cost of this project as agreed upon during the proposal is $3,500 which is the total project rate. One half ($1,750) is payable upon the first stage of the project on November 25, 2018, and the final payment ($1,750) is due upon the launch of the website at which is December 12, 2018. When the final payment has been made, we will process the deliverables to our client.

Website URL