Juicing is a fantastic way to load up on vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients while also staying hydrated in the sun. It’s also a very low calorie option with the vegetable juices adding plenty of nutrition but very few additional calories. Since these recipes incorporate fresh fruit and vegetable juices, you should attempt to drink them within 3 days of making them to get the maximum nutrition and flavor.
1. Apple, Carrot & Cucumber Juice
This apple, carrot and cucumber juice is packed full of vitamin A, vitamin C and many other health boosting nutrients.
Equipment Required:
– 1 juicer
– 1 sealable airtight jug
Ingredients Required:
– 10 large chopped carrots (26 oz./780g)
– 2 large chopped apples (14.9 oz./446g)
– 1 chopped cucumber (10 oz./301g)
– 1 inch of ginger root
1) Run the apple, carrots and ginger through the juicer into the sealable airtight jug.
2) Place the sealable airtight jug in the refrigerator and enjoy the apple, carrot and cucumber juice whenever you please.
– 576 calories per 40 oz. yield (1200ml)
– 144 calories per 10 oz. glass (300ml)
2. Blueberry, Celery & Watermelon Juice
This blueberry, celery and watermelon juice is light, sweet and refreshing. It’s also a fantastic source of vitamin C and a range of other health boosting phytonutrients.
Equipment Required:
– 1 juicer
– 1 sealable airtight jug
Ingredients Required:
– 6 large celery stalks (12.8 oz./384g)
– 2.5 cups of blueberries (20 oz./600g)
– 2.5 cups of chopped watermelon chunks (20 oz./600g)
1) Run the blueberry, celery and watermelon juice through the juicer into the sealable airtight jug.
2) Place the sealable airtight jug in the refrigerator and enjoy the blueberry, celery and watermelon juice whenever you please.
– 548 calories per 40 oz. yield (1200ml)
– 137 calories per 10 oz. glass (300ml)
3. Cucumber, Lime & Mint Juice
This cucumber, lime and mint juice is cool, tingly, refreshing and full of green goodness.
Equipment Required:
– 1 juicer
– 1 sealable airtight jug
Ingredients Required:
– 32 mint leaves
– 4 chopped cucumbers (40.1 oz./1204g)
– 4 peeled limes (11.2 oz./1336g)
1) Run the cucumber, lime and mint leaves through the juicer into the sealable airtight jug.
2) Place the sealable airtight jug in the refrigerator and enjoy the cucumber, lime and mint juice whenever you please.
– 260 calories per 40 oz. yield (1200ml)
– 65 calories per 10 oz. glass (300ml)
4. Green Vegetable Juice
This green vegetable juice is a nutritional powerhouse and packed full of many different vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. The best part is it contains less than 100 calories per glass.
Equipment Required:
– 1 juicer
– 1 sealable airtight jug
Ingredients Required:
– 6 large celery stalks (384g)
– 2 chopped cucumbers (20.1 oz/602g)
– 1 peeled lime (2.2 oz./67g)
– 3/4 cup of spinach (6 oz./180g)
– 3/4 cup of Swiss chard (6 oz./180g)
1) Run the celery, cucumber, lime, spinach and Swiss chard through the juicer into the sealable airtight jug.
2) Place the sealable airtight jug in the refrigerator and enjoy the green vegetable juice whenever you please.
– 292 calories per 40 oz. yield (1200ml)
– 73 calories per 10 oz. glass (300ml)
5. Spicy Mixed Vegetable Juice
This spicy mixed vegetable juice incorporates a variety of colorful vegetables and provides you with plenty of health boosting nutrients. The cayenne also gives it an element of spice and makes it a perfect choice if you want a juice with a kick.
Equipment Required:
– 1 juicer
– 1 sealable airtight jug
– 1 teaspoon
Ingredients Required:
– 10 large radishes (3 oz./90g)
– 2 large celery stalks (4.3 oz128g)
– 2 large chopped carrots (10.4 oz./312g)
– 2 large tomatoes (12.1 oz./364g)
– 1 chopped cucumber (10 oz./301g)
– 1 lemon (2.8 oz./84g)
– 1/2 head of romaine lettuce (10.4 oz./313g)
– 1 teaspoon of cayenne powder (0.17 oz./5g)
1) Run the carrots, celery, cucumber, lemon, romaine lettuce, radishes and tomato through the juicer into the sealable airtight jug.
2) Once all the juice has been fully extracted from the vegetables, sprinkle the cayenne powder on top of the juice and stir it thoroughly with the teaspoon.
3) Once the cayenne powder has been stirred into the juice, place the sealable airtight jug in the refrigerator and enjoy the spicy mixed vegetable juice whenever you please.
– 300 calories per 40 oz. yield (1200ml)
– 75 calories per 10 oz. glass (300ml)